Contact Me!

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Hello Everyone! 

I understand the disappointment, if you're angry go ahead and take out your anger if you'd like.

I'm undergoing some drastic changes in my life that I'll probably not be able to say until I officially publish my "replacement" blog. I've been working really hard on my new blog site and hope that you all love it. My original plan was to mention it and give a nice warning about the reasoning of me not being able to write on this blog. Unfortunately, my account had been hacked and I had to figure things out. I had to make another E-mail and in order to retrieve this one I had to go through quite a bit (something I wouldn't have struggled with if I would have had my number as an emergency contraception to retrieve my E-mail and password).

Also those updates of my life will really be drastic so please be patient.

So far here's a sneak peak of subject of what you'll see in my new blog once I publish it which I'm hoping is soon. I do apologize for not being on here as often as I had wished. One thing is certain, I love doing this and doubt I'll ever stop.

  • Gallery of my artwork
  • DIY Section
  • Life updates
  • Small gaming reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Art videos
Sorry one more time.
Thank you for those who have stayed!
Till next time!