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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

News Break

Okay so I have good news and bad news...
The good news is, I finally found a way to work my graphic tablet! Woohoo!
The bad news is, everything else is still broken..and by everything else I mean this:

  • My iPod.
  • My computer.
  • My bed. 
  • My wall (no joke, I feel like the whole room is going to collapse on me).
  • My heart and its will to keep going.
Ehhh. I still got jokes.
I will gain the strength to pick my blog back up. I feel like I can and I will try my hardest.
I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone has that one moment in their life where they really really really really regret some life choices and they feel really down about it. No? It can't just be me. Well that's how I feel right now and everyone is disappointed in me and I feel okay about it but I feel wrong. They've disappointed me at some point too you know? And since I find the fact that it is impossible to talk about myself I invite you to talk to me about yourself. If anything, I can say I am a great listener. After all, I did listen to my best friend rant about the "sucky" boyfriend I have on my own birthday. How he completely forgot to say happy birthday to me isn't anything to brag about, but I never complained to him.

Now about this Blog.
I will be off from time to time, but don't worry it doesn't mean I stopped working on it. It just means I'm working on it even more. I've decided to pay for my own domain on another website and kind of join them together, by organizing the other one to really be a website with projects and one section for all my blogs. Basically about myself. (Haha me and my selfish desires Mwahahaha)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kyle,
    I'm sick. Hahaha no joke though. I don't even know what I have going on.I'm sorry I'm not replying as soon but my stuff is still broken. It's hard to save money when you help your mom with money and send your grandmother money in Mexico. Now, I'm sick! Hooray! Less work, less money! I made my application for college again so now I'm looking forward to that too.Thanks for worrying, I'm okay though, I'm still keeping my spirits up and studying about blogging. So hopefully I don't disappoint you someday! I hope you're having a great time and don't forget I'm here for you. I have an emergency laptop for now (my laptop from like seven years ago, which surprisingly still works kind of) so I'll do my best.
    Thank you very much for sticking around,
