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Friday, June 12, 2015

Keeping up

I've been thinking about my blog all week. Seriously, and it's surprising that I didn't have the same urge I had to open my blog like I did all the time.

Am I getting detached?

I doubt it. I just feel like I don't want to annoy my readers and fill them with unneeded information, or babble on my life all the time. I mean, nobody likes that right? So I thought it was about time I made another post. I made this realization probably three days ago. Great. Seems like it's all going well.

Reason why I didn't make a post was because I had no ideas. NONE. I even went online and searched for some and did my research but they all seemed too advanced for me. How much of a loser can I be? So I decided to give myself some free time and if I ever did come up with something I would write it down. I now have what I will name "The Blog Book" which is basically a small notebook where I will write blog info and ideas.

Ooooh, interesting. (What a great name Maria)

For now I have decided to give myself a drawing challenge everyday that I hope to keep up with. My inspiration for today's drawing was the fact that I had no idea for my blog topic and the fact that I'm bad at side profile face drawing. Here's how it started.

Woo!! Ying Yang. 
Has anyone ever closed their eyes really tight to the point where you see little colorful figures moving with a black background? Yep, this is how I imagined it even though it's not as complex. That's why her eyes are closed and she's thinking. Probably not blog ideas but at least she's not stressing.

Not done and needs some work, but eh.

Here's to the lack of attention to my drawing practice and blog! Cheers!
Time to keep up again and improve.

Voila! The finished product!


  1. Good job, keep it up. Don't stress about writing boring stuff or babbling about your life. If they don't like what you have to offer, then let them leave. Great drawing by the way, and if you don't post a drawing a day, I will pester you until you do.


    1. Thank you for the support! You got that right even though I'll try not to be annoying! As for the drawings, I will do a weekly post to show my drawings of the week. I'll catch up with other non-drawing related topics during the week I spend drawing. Keep pestering me, it's great motivation and I love it!

      Enjoying your comments,

    2. Hey, hey, hey you. You gotta make a post. You have about half a day left, get to it.


    3. Omg so sorry for everything, I posted it! After so long haha I know you might want to kill me but sorry, my schedule had other plans. You'll get your daily posts for a week! I already started on them so the same thing won't happen. Thank you for the motivation!

      Thank you once again,

  2. The drawing is really cool, I love the detail! I wish I could draw in such great detail, I usually just draw on a massive scale so detail is easier :')

    1. Thank you so much!! Hey, there's nothing wrong with doing it in a bigger scale!! I just kind of can't help not doing the small details. :)
