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Monday, May 18, 2015


Wow, I can imagine what you're thinking. You're thinking why in the world would I even make a whole blog post on burping. Well, let me just say that if you're one of those people who burps on the daily you are really lucky. Seriously, you have no idea how lucky you are.

Yes I know it sounds crazy but people who don't burp do exist and I just happened to be one of them. Some people don't burp ever in their lifetime and some burp every now and then like me. I've burped before...I mean it's usually very faint, but it still counts! It's quite annoying not being able to burp because most of the time my stomach hurts because it tried to let air out and couldn't. The replacement for these burps are more like small gurgles that stop right before reaching the throat. They're actually quite loud most of the time and my boyfriend always laughs at it. *cough, cough* Just plain evil. Well, he thinks it's cute but he knows it hurts sometimes.

Let's just say it's not so easy to let go of gasses trapped in your body, I mean it has to come out from some end right? Sorry if it sounds quite gross but these kind of things have never really offended me. I playfully say "eww" every time I hear my boyfriend burp and he just laughs because he knows I don't mean it. I wouldn't really find it offensive no matter what kind of human being I was, isn't it normal? An everyday task every human being does? If you're a human being that does not do such normal tasks every day please comment whether you believe it's gross or not for cat information purposes.

Today's blog post was inspired by my pain, isn't that great? Hope this piece of information was useful. It was a lesson that there are really weird facts out there in the world we yet do not know. Oh and weird facts are the best. Just saying.

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