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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Graduation Invitation

Graduation is right around the corner and I'm just sitting here like... yay, no more friends!

A lot has happened since that argument I had with my mother. I had an argument with a friend as well quite some time ago now. I feel like I find a way to make people mad at me somehow and I hate that I never know how. So basically the fact that I have almost no friends is obvious and I'm a complicated loser. Hmm not a good thing when it comes to graduation. 

Since I have no friends that are not graduating with me I didn't buy any graduation invitations. Well, my boyfriends mother gave me one in order to give to my church because she said they sometimes give you money especially if you go every Sunday to church like me. I felt guilty though because if I know one thing is that I want to give this invitation to someone who will actually come and cheer for me at graduation. I don't want it to be for money or a present. In the end I decided not to since I'm not really close to the people from the church like my mom is. I have one invitation and have no one to give it to who is not already going. Man I feel like a complete bum. Lame! I wish I had someone to talk to about all this and how alone I actually feel. I can't blame my friends though, I haven't even told them about this blog! Not like they would find out though, I haven't even made it public. I'm so scared of judgement that I'm just writing ideas now and I seriously have nothing else to do in my life but practice. Practice on all the things there are to learn in life...including this.

More than half my friends are moving elsewhere right after graduation so I'm positively sure I won't ever see them again. Maybe. Unless I go to our high school reunion and they go as well. Oh by the way, have I stated that the latest book I've read was "Prom Anonymous"? I loved it!!! It's so cute, has a lot of teenage life going on and it's just so exciting to read when you're in high school! It makes you laugh at the things that go on and anticipate the ending. 

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